Restaurant near me

Restaurant Auberge de Venise 🇮🇹

Paris 4ème - Hôtel de Ville, 2 rue de la Bastille 75004


Home delivery of Pizza, Pâtes, Salade in Paris 4ème - Hôtel de Ville

Vins 🍷

Chianti classico rouge


Chianti classico rouge


Bardolino Verona Rosé

+ 3

Boissons 💧

Thé fuzetea Peche




Coca-Cola Light

+ 3

Pizzas 🍕

Vegan Marinara

sauce tomate, origan, huile ’olive, basilic tomato sauce, oregano, olive oil, basil


sauce tomate, mozzarella, origan, basilic tomato sauce, mozzarella, oregano, basil

4 Formaggi

mozzarella, chèvre, gorgonzola, parmesan, tomates fraîches, origan, olives mozzarella, goat, gorgonzola, parmesan, fresh tomatoes, oregano, olives
+ 10

Risotti 🍚

Risotto ai funghi porcini

Risotto aux cèpes Risotto, with porcini mushrooms

Risotto ai frutti di mare

Risotto aux fruits de mer Risotto with seafood

Pâtes 🍝

Spaghetti al pomodoro

Spaghetti, Sauce tomate, basilic Spaghetti, tomato sauce, basil

Spaghetti Aglio e olio

Spaghetti, sauce ail et huile d’olive Spaghetti, garlic and olive oil sauce

Penne all’ Arrabbiata

Penne, sauce tomate piquante Penne pasta, hot tomato sauce
+ 9

A Partager 🥓

Affettati misti

Jambon de Parme, salami, mortadelle, pancetta, bresaola Parme ham, salame, mortadella, Italian raw bacon, dried beef meat

Desserts 🍰

Panna Cotta, maison

Homemade cottage cheese and cream dessert

Mousse au chocolat, maison

Homemade chocolate mousse

Tiramisu, maison

Homemade Italian sweet course served in its coffee flavoured sauce

Poissons 🐠

Linguine ai frutti di mare

Linguine aux fruits de mer Linguine with seafood

Nos Salades XXL 🥗

Insalata César

Poulet, salade, petits croûtons, parmesan, œuf, oignons, sauce César Chicken, salad, bread, parmesan, egg, onions, Caesar sauce

Insalata Italiana

Salade, thon, œuf dur, câpres, tomates, maïs Salad, tuna, boiled egg, capers, tomatoes, corn

Salades 🥗

Mozzarella di bufala

Mozzarella de bufflonne, tomates, huile d'olive, basilic Buffalo mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, olive oil, basil

Entrées 🍅

Bresaola della Valtellina

Fines tranches de bœuf séché, citron et huile d’olive Thin slices of dried italian beef, olive oil and lemon

Prosciutto San Daniele o Parma

Fameux jambon cru italien finement coupé Thin slices of famous Italian raw ham

Carpaccio di Salmone

Fines tranches de saumon, huile d'olive, citron Thin slices of salmon, olive oil, lemon
+ 1

Viandes 🥩

Polpette alla napoletana e paccheri

Boulettes de viande hachée, sauce tomate et pâtes paccheri Meatballs, tomatoes sauce and paccheri pasta

Home delivery in France

Auberge de Venise 🇮🇹 deliver your meals as quickly as possible. Ask the restaurant if they have take out orders.