Restaurant near me

Restaurant Le Sandwich Oriental

Paris 16ème - Auteuil, 22 Rue Wilhem Paris Île-de-France 75016, 75016


Home delivery of Sandwiches, Mezze in Paris 16ème - Auteuil


Bière Kronembourg 33 cL


Coca-Cola 33 cL

Coca-Cola zéro 33 cL

Eau minérale 50 cL


Sandwich merguez classic

Pain libanais, houmous, salade, tomates, cornichons, coriandre et merguez

Sandwich double merguez

Pain libanais, houmous, salade, tomates, cornichons, coriandre et merguez

Sandwich boulettes succulentes

Pain libanais, houmous, salade, tomates, cornichons, coriandre et boulettes
+ 2


Caviar d'aubergine

Coca-Cola 33 cL

Sandwich merguez classic

+ 7


Menu sandwich gourmand

Sandwich + 1 boisson au choix

Menu mezzé + sandwich

Mezzé + sandwich au choix

Menu orientale

Mezze + sandwich au choix + 1 pâtisserie orientale offert

Mezzés entrées

Houmous maison

Taboulé maison

Yaourt "Tzatziki" maison

Yaourt grec et concombre

Home delivery in France

Le Sandwich Oriental deliver your meals as quickly as possible. Ask the restaurant if they have take out orders.